Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How to get a Good Nights Sleep

Sleep is something we all need in order to properly repair our bodies and keep our minds sharp. Although everybody's different, the average sleep required to become fully recharged is between 7.5 and 8 hours a night. A lack of sleep can take a serious toll on our bodies and has been known to cause many health related issues such as an increased risk of heart disease, and depressive disorders. Through research and study I have discovered many proven methods of natural sleep aid. The following is a list of my 10 favorite ways you can enhance your sleeping experience.

1) Exercise

If you don't exercise you will not release the built up toxins and tensions locked within your body. Vigorous exercise will help to induce a deeper sleep that leaves you feeling refreshed in the morning. However, try not to work out too close to your bedtime as it can actually contribute to a sleepless night.

2) Cut Out The Caffeine & Sugar 

No, I'm not telling you to completely give up these two uppers, just try not to consume them after early afternoon. Coffee is a powerful stimulant that can influence your internal system for many hours after consumed, causing sleeplessness. Sugar causes a spike in blood sugar that when consumed near bedtime can cause insomnia.

3) Don't Drink Alcohol Near Bedtime

Although alcohol can sometimes help to induce sleep, studies have shown that the second half of sleep can become more disrupted causing you to toss and turn. The result is waking up not feeling as refreshed as you would have had you opted for a glass of water instead. This can lead to daytime drowsiness that can affect your memory and sociability. Car accidents are also more likely to occur.

4) Turn Off All Electrical Stimulants

Many of us have become accustomed to surfing the internet well into the latter hours of the evening, then fall asleep watching t.v. You should turn off all electronics and dim the lights about an hour before your desired bedtime to help induce sleep. Try snuggling up to a good book under the covers and see how much easier it is to enter dreamland.

5) Natural Herbal Remedies

There are many natural herbs that can help you fall asleep :) The two most commonly used are Valerian and Chamomile. Valerian has long been used as a treatment for insomnia. The only drawback is that it needs to be taken on a regular basis and takes about two weeks to start working. It is usually taken orally about an hour before bedtime. Chamomile unlike Valerian doesn't need to be taken on a regular basis to be affective. It is most commonly made into a tea and consumed about an hour before bedtime. Both of these herbs can be found at your local health-food store.

6) Meditation

Meditation can be one of the best ways to help you clear your mind and relax your body. Although there are many different styles of meditation, I suggest to simply start by closing your eyes and envisioning all your muscles relaxing while breathing steadily in and out. If you're having racing thoughts wile trying to sleep envision a stop sign in your head. This will help put a halt to all that annoying activity.

7) Feng Shui

There are many ways to incorporate Feng Shui into your bedroom to help with sleep. Wall color, the direction of your bed, and the absents of electronic stimulants and paperwork are just some of the ways Feng Shui is used to help aid in a restful nights sleep.

8) Music

Calm music can be a great way to help introduce yourself to sleep. There are many relaxation c.d.'s available online that can help you get your Z's. Some people prefer sounds of nature like the sound of a rippling ocean, while others prefer a more synthetic sound such as octave waves.

9) Sex

Melatonin is a hormone produced in the brain by the pineal gland from the amino acid tryptophan. Synthetic melatonin is readily available and has been widely used to help with many types of sleeping disorders such as insomnia.

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