Saturday, October 16, 2010

78 Years Young author Dr. Walter J. Urban "Do You Have The Courage To Change"?

I had never heard about Dr. Walter J. Urban until today after watching this short interview with Ka Sundance from the Raw Inspiration TV-Show. Dr. Urban is a prime example of how eating a healthy diet of mostly raw foods will keep you feeling and looking young. I couldn't help but notice how happy he seemed to be compared to the average 78 year old. 

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

*Click Here* To Visit The Raw Inspiration TV-Show

*Click Here* To Visit Dr. Urbans Website.

1 comment:

  1. Hi and thanks for the interview with Walter. A friend of mine, Naomi Colb, sent me this link to Walter's interview. She lives in San Jose, CR and I've known her from out friendship in the San Francisco bay area.

    It's somewhat synchronistic that I watched your show today, since our paths, Walters and mine, are similar. I'm 73, married to a beautiful, 50 year old Colombian woman.

    We're also seeking a lifestyle that is peaceful, prosperous in all definitions of the word and linked to a community of like minded, integral people.

    Blessings to all,

    Bert and Janeth Botta
